The Kabardino-Balkarian regional branch of the Union of Radio fans of Russia
The post address: Russia, 360024, Nalchik, p.o. №4
Phone/fax: 8(8662) 91-67-98, 96-03-07
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The chairman of the council of regional branch SRR - A.N.Kenzhekulov
Calling frequencies:
The basic frequencies local QSO: 3,712 MHz; 145,300 MHz
Obshchevyzyvnaja frequency: 145,500 MHz
Prohladnensky (R5): 145,725/145,125 MHz
Nalchiksky (R1): 145,625/145,025 (by the current moment doesn't work)
Round table:
Frequency: the Prohladnensky repeater (145,725/145,125 MHz)
Time: At the moment regularly it is not spent
The leader: RA6XTD (Zubrichev Maxim Aleksandrovich)
RDA-areas of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic:
KB-01 Nalchik
KB-02 Baksansky area
KB-03 Zolsky area
KB-04 May area (incl. May)
KB-05 Prohladnensky area
KB-06 Tersky area (incl. Terek)
KB-07 Urvansky area (incl. Nartkala)
KB-08 Chegemsky area
KB-09 Chereksky area
KB-10 Elbrus area (incl. Tyrnyauz)
KB-11 Leskensky area
KB-12 Baksan
KB-13 Prohladniy